Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mandarin Future Expression Using Yao and Hui

Mandarin Future Expression Using Yao and Hui The two auxiliary verbs, yo and huà ¬, can be used for talking about the future in the sense of going to do something or intending to do something. Consider these two sentences: WÇ’ yo qà ¹ BÄ›ijÄ «ng.我è ¦ Ã¥Å½ »Ã¥Å'â€"ä º ¬WÇ’ huà ¬ qà ¹ BÄ›ijÄ «ng.我æÅ"Æ'åŽ »Ã¥Å'â€"ä º ¬Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã¥Å½ »Ã¥Å'â€"ä º ¬ The first sentence, using yo, indicates an intention to go to Beijing. The second sentence, using huà ¬, indicates a confident prediction of going to Beijing. Intention or Prediction The two sentences above can be translated as: WÇ’ yo qà ¹ BÄ›ijÄ «ng.I am going to Beijing.orI want to go to Beijing.WÇ’ huà ¬ qà ¹ BÄ›ijÄ «ng.I will go to Beijing (I expect I will go to Beijing). Yo is sometimes (but not always) used with a time expression to differentiate between want and intend. When used without a time reference, the only way to determine the exact meaning of yo is by context or clarification. Here are some more examples: NÇ  yo mÇŽi shà ©nme dÃ… ngxÄ «?ä ½  Ã¨ ¦ Ã¨ ² ·Ã§â€Å¡Ã© º ¼Ã¦  ±Ã¨ ¥ ¿?ä ½  Ã¨ ¦ Ã¤ ¹ °Ã¤ »â‚¬Ã¤ ¹Ë†Ã¤ ¸Å"è ¥ ¿?What are you going to buy?orWhat do you want to buy?NÇ  huà ¬ mÇŽi shà ©nme dÃ… ngxÄ «?ä ½  Ã¦Å"Æ'è ² ·Ã§â€Å¡Ã© º ¼Ã¦  ±Ã¨ ¥ ¿?ä ½  Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã¤ ¹ °Ã¤ »â‚¬Ã¤ ¹Ë†Ã¤ ¸Å"è ¥ ¿?What do you expect to buy?Chà ©n xiÇŽojie mà ­ngtiÄ n yo gÄ“n wÇ’ shuÃ… .é™ ³Ã¥ ° Ã¥ § Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¨ ¦ Ã¨ ·Å¸Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¨ ª ªÃ©â„¢Ë†Ã¥ ° Ã¥ § Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¨ ¦ Ã¨ ·Å¸Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¨ ¯ ´Miss Chen is going to speak with me tomorrow.Chà ©n xiÇŽojie mà ­ngtiÄ n huà ¬ gÄ“n wÇ’ shuÃ… .é™ ³Ã¥ ° Ã¥ § Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦Å"Æ'è ·Å¸Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¨ ª ªÃ©â„¢Ë†Ã¥ ° Ã¥ § Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã¨ ·Å¸Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¨ ¯ ´Miss Chen expects to speak with me tomorrow.

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